Oral Health
131 page eBook discussing the pathogenicity of Oral bacteria found on the Hain Diagnostics MicroIDent test. Including problems with root canals and bacteria. There is a link between oral infections and Female Reproductive Disorders.
The oral cavity is occupied by some 500 different bacterial strains creating a fierce competition for nutrition. Disturbances of the gut microbiota by swallowed bacteria induce a metabolic endotoxemia leading metabolic disorders.
Periodontitis is a bacterial infection of tooth-supporting tissues which may lead to loss of teeth. It is most common bacterial infection among middle aged people and elderly people. Also, periodontitis is considered an indicator of systemic diseases. Good oral hygiene is required to prevent periodontitis.
Infections in the mouth play an important role in disorders involving other parts of the body. Oral bacteria entering the blood stream or digestive tract become invasive species. Invasive species become Keystone Pathogens.
Keystone microorganisms that support and stabilize a microbiota associated with disease states are referred to here as “keystone pathogens”. Importantly, the capacity of keystone pathogens to instigate inflammation even when present as quantitatively minor components of the microbiota is in stark contrast to inflammation induced by dominant pathogens, which become established as the dominant component of the microbiota whilst simultaneously causing suppression of the commensals.